The microwave energy traveling
down a wave guide puts the majority of the energy in the gas / or
vacuum of the wave guide, producing little to almost no heat in a
wave guide and also reducing losses in the wave guide
Wave guides have different types of modes for
transmission some mode work better for different types of signals or
power traveling up or down them. They can also have power
reflections in them where power can get reflected back to the
nuclear magnetron by standing waves in the wave guide.
Wave guides require port matching a type of
impedance matching when going from a guide to a port of another
device. The idea here is to couple as much power as you can from one
device to the other device.
Wave guides do not act like electrical wires. Only
to the point that they do have energy traveling down them. You
can't get an electrical shock by touching a wave guide.
Wave guides only have a small amount of power ever
touch the metal guide that it is uses in. Most of the power is
suspended in the wave guide. Wave guides can be use to mix and match
or connect other devices to a single cyclotron wave converter.
There is no nuclear radiation in a wave guide so
it is safe to be around so long as there is no wave leakage coming
from it.
Most wave guides have physical ports that connect
them to each other so removing devices or replacing devices is an
easy task.
Unlike electrical wires wave guides can handle
millions of watts being sent down them with out burning up. Wave
guides can be made ultra light weight and still handle huge amounts
of power. They can be made out of ceramic or light weight plastics
and have metal coatings applied to them to handle high power
Wave guides can't explode. You can pressure rise
them and put inert gases in them.